CZ has recently learned of a potential safety issue with the CZ 600 bolt-action rifles that could potentially result in injury.  You should immediately stop using your CZ 600 rifle.
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Youth Season and Photo Contest

Well the hunting season is in full swing now. We’re in the chase phase for whitetail around here. Missouri just had their youth season and a couple of the folks from CZ-USA made it out in the woods with their kids. Joe Monteleone took his son Nathan out for the weekend, and Nathan put a tag on his first deer. Nathan, age 8, shot this whitetail doe with a CZ 527 carbine in 7.62×39 at about 100 yds. Lynn Matthews daughter Addie took her first deer during the Missouri youth opener this weekend as well. Addie used a CZ 550 American in .30-06 to take her buck.

Not to let the kids have all the fun, Joe also managed to fill a mule deer tag, and I had a successful mule deer hunt with Bill Rivas of Wild Outdoor Adventures TV in Washington State. Check out these pics on the CZ 550 American and UHR pages.

Check out the submissions to the photo contest. Two people are going to win rifles from CZ-USA in the photo contest this year. We want to see your Trophy pics and wildlife photos as well. Click here to see the entries, read rules, and enter the contest.

Good Hunting! – Jason

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